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  • Mary Beth Nalin
    Communications Coordinator



« ANDY McCARTHY: Don’t Apologize, Governor Romney! | Main | Danger Zone »

September 20, 2005


Lee Nelson

Use money that is spent by the 'Ad Council' to inform American’s about the importance of checking tire pressure instead of telling us that drug users support terrorism. Put a 2 or 3 thousand dollar a year 'use' tax on all SUVs and large trucks NOT necessary for work. Triple the gas tax. Place a 250% tax on all new SUV sales. What do you get? The transition will happen quickly as 'alternative' energy sources will suddenly become comparatively cheaper.

The Intelligence Summit

Companies that DO NOT buy their oil from the Middle East:

Sunoco, Inc. (SUN)
BP P.L.C. (BP)
Conocophillips (COP)
Sinclair Oil Corp.
Citco Petroleum Corp.


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