Do you teach at the college level? Do you need to know more about how democracies defend themselves from terrorists? Would you like your students to understand the threat of terrorism ?
The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies is accepting applications for its Academic Fellows anti-terrorism training program. This program provides university professors with a detailed understanding of the terror threat that faces our nation and sister democracies. Centered on a 10-day course taught in conjunction with Tel Aviv University, the program takes place entirely in Israel and runs May 27-June 7 (travel inclusive). Participants interact with academics, diplomats, military and intelligence officials, and politicians from Israel, Jordan, India, Turkey and the United States. They also visit military bases, border zones and other security installations to learn the practical side of deterring terrorist attacks. All expenses are paid by FDD.
FDD runs a similar program for undergraduate students that gives them access to cutting edge information on terrorism and prepares them for national security careers.
More information on both programs is here. Testimonials from past participants are here and here.
There are no terrorists in Iraq. There have never been terrorists in Iraq. Only Sunnis and Shia determined to defend their country against a foreign aggressor. It's hardly a surprise that in Vichy France, true defenders of freedom were called "terrorists." There will always be tyrants, and tyrants will always try to conquer language so that they can conquer the minds of their constituents.
Posted by: Homeopathy | March 18, 2006 at 11:00 AM
"There are no terrorists in Iraq. There have never been terrorists in Iraq."
I guess you haven't seen the latest documents from Saddam's files.
"Only Sunnis and Shia determined to defend their country against a foreign aggressor."
. . . . the foreign agressor being Iran?
Well, the Sunnis are now killing and disassociating themselves from the Al Queda who have been indiscriminately killing them. And if the Shia and Sunni have been "defending against a foreign agressor," then who has been blowing up Iraqis in roadside bombs, blowing up police stations and recruiting offices for the Iraqi army, and Iraqis trying to vote? Who has been complaining about armed militia bands terrorizing people in their own towns, and giving tips in increasing numbers to the Coalition and Iraqi forces, to get rid of those people?
I guess you're one of the people who needs to sign up for this course.
Posted by: Yehudit | March 18, 2006 at 05:55 PM
I believe the point "Homeopathy" was weakly trying to make was that many people fighting for *their* rights are often termed terrorists until the point they achieve power. At that point, they have an option of either becoming legitimate governments by the people and for the people or they become dictatorships of one type or another. Unfortunately, the latter tends to be the bias for a number of historical and sociological reasons. Where this poster falls short is in his/her failure to understand that there are non-secular forces that are attempting to de-stabilize the process by utilizing violent action against civilians and occupying military forces alike.
But back on topic, are these fellowships open to professors in disciplines other than history or political science? I am a professor in a bioscience field, but have been maintaining an ongoing conversation on terrorism with friends at a couple of internationally read periodicals and a current senate hopeful. Because of these conversations, I have been cultivating a growing interest in defining terrorism and determining how to best work with "Gap Nations" as defined by Thomas Barnett to prevent/retard the development of terrorism.
Posted by: BWJones | March 19, 2006 at 11:57 AM
Homeopathy needs to take a deep breath and maybe dip into their homeopathy kit for somthing to calm the nerve keep drinking the chamomile...
ON TOPIC: is there a course that can be generated from this forum for homeschoolers. As a home schooling Parent and just an average person I think this information would be good to spread to more than just academia..
Posted by: The Troll | March 26, 2006 at 09:56 AM
BWJones --
I believe any professor is eligible. certainly apply -- I was in the first group of fellows in 2003 and it is a fantastic experience and an opportunity not to be missed. Our fellows came from a wide array of disciplines, and certainly a scientist's perspective would be welcome.
Posted by: dcat | March 28, 2006 at 09:08 PM
Thanks a lot for a bunch of good tips. I look forward to reading more on the topic in the future. Keep up the good work! This blog is going to be great resource. Love reading it.
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