...at Columbia University. Columbia student Chris Kulawik tells the tale. Unlike his ignorant and morally vacuous professors, Chris understands that Qaddafi ” is a man with blood on his hands for the murder of all those aboard the Lockerbie Pan Am flight, a purported bankroller for Black September (among others terrorists groups), a Hamas supporter. The infamous deeds go on. Libya is on the same short list as Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Syria. While the country made ‘progress’ in renouncing non-conventional weapons, that just makes Qaddafi a victim of Bush policy, not moral enlightenment. If Columbia is gullible enough to host this farce, what’s next? Is Castro to speak on the right of dissidents? The Mullahs on religious tolerance? The Chinese premier on free speech in Tibet? With Columbia, you just don’t—actually, let me stop here. They still might expel me.”
If so, FDD will hire him. His column is here.