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« Interview with al Muharer: HizbAllah is under direct control fom Iran (WP) | Main | Newt Gingrich Speech - Part Two (RWC) »

January 06, 2007



Just another example of the Bush administration and their ineptitude in understanding how they are viewed in the media and by their opposition. As mentioned in your post, many of the attacks on the current administration that cried foul over expanding executive powers and invasions of privacy are baseless as the constitution (sometimes explicitly) grants these actions in times of war and dire circumstances of national security. The Bush administration had no reason to sign a statement endorsing actions that presidents as far back as Abraham Lincoln have utilized in securing the nations safety. The Bush administration has long needed someone in the White House who is much more strategic when orchestrating their actions and statements. Before ever releasing a statement or executive reform bill there should be thoughtful planning so that any opposition is weakened and squelched before ever getting a chance to criticize. Instead of making their own case for the neccessity of opening dangerous mail suspected to involve terrorists and explaining the inherent legality of such actions as per our own constitution, Bush's team puts out a redundant message like a slow softball over the plate. What that says to me is "we aren't sure that everyone agrees that the constitution allows this, so we're going to make an 'official statement' endorsing such actions." Of course Bush singing this reform bill will be criticized because it fits in perfectly with the template of every other hit piece on the administration, many of which are baseless when the constitution and historical precedent are taken into account. Bush has the legal authority.

Tony Snow has done a much better job at making a nuanced approach to getting out the administrations message, but they are still severely lacking in the PR department.


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