The Washington Post reports: "The Bush administration has begun mobilizing support for a third U.N. resolution that would impose tougher sanctions against Iran, as the top U.S. military and diplomatic officials in Baghdad said yesterday that one of the biggest and still unfolding surprises in Iraq has been the depth of Iran's intervention." (Emphasis added.)
Other big, unfolding surprises include that night may follow day, Ahmadinejad may not be looking to play the "stabilizing ... neighborly" role Secretary Rice was hoping for, and this Peyton Manning guy may turn out to be pretty good after all.
Oh, and remember how the State Department explained last year that multi-lateral negotiations with the mullahs were the way to go because we had now gotten Russia, China and the Europeans on board for a list of specific punitive measures if Iran did not desist on its nuclear weapons program? (Some among us were skeptical — see, e.g., here, here and here.) The Post today also reports that
the United States has met resistance from China, Russia and Germany to sweeping new measures against Iran, said diplomats familiar with the debate. A meeting in Berlin of Iran experts from the six governments last week was described by Western envoys as "chilly" and "a disaster" because Germany balked. As a result, they now expect any new U.N. resolution to be only slightly tougher than the ones passed in December and March.
We sure seem to get surprised a lot on Iran.